Project Kick-Off

The project was officially launched during the opening ceremony on June 20, 2024, attended by participants from ICARS, the Ministry of Health (MoH), and the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH), as well as stakeholders from the project municipalities.During their visit to Kosovo, the ICARS team visited two family medicine centers in Prishtina, and Kaçanik. Throughout the week, the team engaged in extensive discussions with key project stakeholders, ensuring alignment on objectives and addressing any challenges for the successful implementation of the project.The ceremony included speeches by the Deputy Minister of Health, Mrs. Dafina Gexha-Bunjaku, and Robert Skov from ICARS, who participated online. Nandini Sreenivasan and Ahmed Wesal Zaman presented the mission and vision of ICARS.

During the session, work package leads outlined the project’s objectives and goals, providing a clear roadmap for implementation. The second part of the meeting was dedicated to a SWOT analysis with key stakeholders, identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to inform the project's strategic direction.The meeting set the foundation for effective project governance and was followed by a joint session with Advisory Board members and stakeholders from the project municipalities to align goals and expectations.

During their visit to Kosovo, the ICARS team visited two family medicine centers in Prishtina, and Kaçanik.Throughout the week, the team engaged in extensive discussions with key project stakeholders, ensuring alignment on objectives and addressing any challenges for the successful implementation of the project.

First Steering Committee Meeting

Following the kick-off event, the first Steering Committee meeting was held with participation from ICARS, the Ministry of Health (MoH), and the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH). The meeting, led by MoH Permanent Secretary Dr. Naim Bardiqi, focused on establishing the structure, rules, and procedures for the Steering Committee.

Workshop chairs (D.Gexha, N. Sreenivasan, L.Raka) and Robert Skov (online)

ICARS core team with primary care leaders of enrolled municipalities & Site visit in Kaçanik

Point Prevalence Survey of of antibiotic prescriptions

As part of the ICARS project, in December 2024, the Study on the Prevalence of Antibiotic Prescriptions in Primary Care was successfully completed. The study was conducted in 12 primary healthcare centers, divided into 6 intervention centers and 6 control centers. This activity followed the protocols of the Global Point Prevalence Survey (GPPS), representing a significant step forward in improving antibiotic prescribing practices in primary healthcare.

Audit in Intervention PHC Centers

Between December 16–31, 2024, a comprehensive audit was carried out in the 6 intervention centers, involving approximately 70 doctors. Each doctor recorded data for 30 patients with upper respiratory tract infections and patients who had received ceftriaxone treatment.

The audit aimed to evaluate antibiotic usage and address challenges in prescribing practices, ensuring alignment with clinical guidelines. Currently, the collected data is being entered into the research database, which will serve as a critical foundation for further analysis and developing strategies to enhance antibiotic management practices.